Sunday, September 16, 2012

LIBR 203 assignment

This blog post is part of an assignment for one of my classes--I didn't randomly ponder the skills needed to be a successful online student :)

Having previously taken several online classes, I know that the most important skill needed to be successful online is time management. It it is easy for me to get up and get to class. On campus classes are held at a particular time, so you schedule your other activities around class. With online classes things work a little differently. It is easy to lose track of time, or think that you have more time than you actually do. This is usually when panic sets in.

The best thing you can do to prevent the panic is set up a regular schedule, and pretend that you are going to class on campus. Designate times when you will work on school work so you don't get behind and overwhelmed. I enjoy the freedom of attending class when it is most convenient for me, but it is easy to slip out of 'school mode' and find other things to occupy your time. Make a schedule and stick to it!

One of the most challenging things to do online is to work in a team. Dr. Haycock was spot on when he said that group work is the "bane of every student's existence." And with good reason. I enjoy working in groups, but I have not had great experiences doing so in an academic setting. One of the hardest things is to coordinate when everyone can meet--and people rarely have compatible schedules. It is frustrating because I know that group work can be successful. In the workplace I have been on many teams that have accomplished their goals. One major difference is that most workplace group work is done at work--not outside of designated meeting times. Most school group work is done outside of class time, where everyone has conflicting priorities and schedules. I am currently working on an online group project, and while I have a good team and everyone is participating, we constantly have scheduling issues.

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